My activity

With almost four decades of experience, my career began in the family business and, later, while simultaneously studying while working at EY Barcelona. At the age of 26, and for more than two decades, I assumed leadership of the consulting firm founded by my father, expanding it to five Latin American countries. Currently, as Founding Partner of Human Performance, I am mainly dedicated to advising Boards of Directors, Management Committees and Leaders, contributing to organizational excellence and effective leadership.

Adviser. advisor

I collaborate closely with CEOs, such as thinking partner, providing strategic guidance and expert advice to develop and execute effective strategies. My focus is on improving performance, making strategic decisions and maximizing value for the organization, contributing to the long-term success of both the CEO and the company as a whole.

As a director, I participate on the Board in making strategic decisions, offering external perspectives and contributing to the development of the entity's vision and objectives. Although I rarely assume direct executive responsibilities, I share influence and experience, providing value by advising senior management and making strategic decisions to ensure the long-term success of the organization.

Throughout my career I have been, or am, an administrator or advisory director in up to fifteen companies in five different countries.

I add value by making the challenges and objectives of the organization I serve my own. My solid background in the business field, supported by specialization in some of the main functional areas, enables me to contribute to the performance and effectiveness of the organization through strategic management of talent and available resources.

In my professional career, organizational development has occupied a prominent position, actively participating in numerous strategic reflection processes in which I usually provide a vision from the perspectives of the quality of leadership, culture, talent, structure, teams and work processes.

I have extensive experience in people assessment, leadership quality management systems, accelerated development models, key talent management and succession. My contribution allows us to effectively align talent with results and people with business.

Senior management coach

As a certified executive and organizational coach, I have more than 21 years of experience accompanying leaders from Andorra, Argentina, Colombia, El Salvador, Spain, Italy, Mexico, Peru and the USA from prestigious companies such as Acciona, Adecco, Beck, Crédito y Caución, Firmenich, Gepp, Iberinform, Kíneox, Liverpool, Mapfre, Nestlé, Promax, Qualitas, Stendhal, Techint, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Xerox…

Whether it is the CEO himself, or the Board itself, they usually entrust me with processes to support key talent so that leaders:

Strengthen the commitment of your valued executives.
Develop leaders included in succession and replacement plans.
Shorten the optimal contribution time of newly appointed or promoted managers.
Complete the contribution of internal mentors in management development processes.
Achieve rapid and effective integration and cultural alignment of newly incorporated leaders.

Coach of management teams

I collaborate with leaders and executives to enhance trust and communication, integration, as well as collaboration and alignment of their teams. Through team coaching sessions, I seek clarity in objectives, strengthening leadership skills and conflict resolution, with the aim of maximizing the effectiveness of the management team and its contribution to organizational success.

The team coaching processes I facilitate help the organizations I serve:

Strengthen the cohesion, necessary trust and performance of your key teams.
Develop the effectiveness of your formal leaders.
Shorten the time of optimal contribution of newly created teams (task forces, project teams, etc.)
Achieve optimal alignment in the Company's value chain of the teams that make it up.
Clearly identify goals, structure, key work processes and the necessary commitment of your members.

Some of the clients whose management teams I have been able to accompany in their processes are Acciona, Banregio, Caja de Ahorros de los Telefonistas, Electrolit, Essity, Farmagana, Generali, Hero, Kino Energía, Liverpool, MAC, Mapfre, Maypo, Soriana, Summa , Lázaro Cárdenas Port Terminal, Yokohama…

Organizational consultant

Throughout my professional career I have specialized in analyzing, diagnosing and improving aspects related to the culture, strategy and structure of organizations as a system, making the challenges posed my own, proposing solutions, accompanying them in their implementation and demonstrating the value provided. .

My main objective is to offer solutions to optimize the company's efficiency, productivity and effectiveness, addressing challenges and fostering positive change. My focus is leadership, talent and organizational culture.

Throughout my career I have had the opportunity to serve and grow with hundreds of companies in more than fifteen countries. Some of them are the following:

Countries I have worked in

El Salvador
South Africa
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